CovidData screenshot

Tech Stack

  • TypeScript
  • Angular
  • Firebase

CovidData was a project started by a group of volunteers at the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. The goal was to enable users to log their symptoms each day, and use this (anonymized) data to better inform governments and other oragnizations of the current situation.

As part of the tech team, I collaborated with developers of various skill levels and backgrounds from all over the world. Our tech stack was Angular for the frontend and a Firebase backend. We had weekly meetings to discuss progress and next steps, and required contributions be made through pull requests.

My role was especially focused on the frontend as well as DevOps - a special focus of mine was the responsive design of the website. Unfortunately, I had to leave the team after a few months due to other things taking up more time in my life - in this time, much of the UI was redone in a (sadly) non-responsive, non-mobile friendly way.

If I had the chance to participate in such a project again, I would definitely invest in setting up unit and integration tests, as well as visual snapshot tests, to avoid such regressions from sneaking in.